Limit Introduces Miscellaneous E&O Coverage

Over the years, Limit has made it easy to provide coverage for Cyber, Management Liability and Tech E&O. Today, we are delighted to launch support for yet another line: Miscellaneous E&O.

Limit provides retailers with the tools they need to offer quick, convenient coverage for insureds all around the U.S. Over the years, our platform has made it easy to provide coverage for Cyber, Management Liability and Tech E&O. Today, we are delighted to launch support for yet another line: Miscellaneous E&O.

In 2022, nearly half of all brokers observed an increase in Miscellaneous E&O rates – a change fueled by rising litigation costs and high settlement fees. In addition, demand has surged due to the fact that professional liability insurance has become a contractual requirement for a variety of industries. That said, Miscellaneous E&O policies are not standardized given Miscellaneous E&O risk is nuanced, hard to define and difficult to place.

(source: click here)

That’s where Limit comes in. Using Limit, brokers can easily provide instant quotes for their Miscellaneous E&O needs, breezing through the placement process.

Limit’s Miscellaneous E&O quotes are provided in partnership with the Arch Insurance Group API. Coverages can be obtained using Limit’s digital dashboard, which provides brokers with access to quotes from more than 40 top providers. Staying true to our focus on simplicity, brokers can fetch quotes in just a few clicks – saving hours’ worth of time on each deal.

Instant quote appetite:

  • Limits: up to $2M/$2M
  • Revenue: up to $1m
  • Deductibles: $0 to $5k maximum
  • 95% quoting ratio
  • No minimum premium

To get started, simply head over to the Limit retailer dashboard, click on the “New Application” button and select all lines relevant to the insured. Once submitted, Limit will quickly return quotes so you can seal the deal. If any questions come up along the way, or you just need additional help, our experienced team is available to step in and assist.

We are thrilled about the future of insurance, and we’re dedicated to unlocking a world of opportunity for our retailers. While our commitment to Miscellaneous E&O is strong, we are equally determined to launch new features in the coming weeks and months. If you have any questions or specific requests, please reach out to

Limit AI is here to revolutionize your workflow.

Limit has built the State of the Art AI for insurance. Limit AI will summarize and compare your quotes, run your surplus lines taxes and fee calculations, identify coverage deficiencies, and do what you need to get your job done. Limit AI is extremely well-versed in all lines of P&C and highly skilled at analyzing your policies & quotes.

Our AI Assistant is built on Limit’s years of expertise as a commercial insurance wholesaler with hands on experience in all lines of P&C. Limit AI answers questions, drafts emails, and compares quotes & policies with substantially more rigor and attention to nuance than any other competitive AI product today.

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